“A friend recommended Catriona to me as I had just been diagnosed with Crohn's. She has a broad knowledge of supplements and an sound understanding of how food heals. Within months I went from eating mashed potatoes on their own, to smoothies, veggies and being able to eat a variety of foods out at restaurants. I highly recommend!” - RH.


“I’m working with Catriona after suffering from extremely complex intestinal failure as a result of neurological, muscular and autoimmune issues, worsened by norovirus and Covid.
I was hospitalised for a long time and left emaciated with a feeding tube and feed that I was allergic to and pretty much left in the community. Wondering if I I would ever be able to eat again or have a functioning digestive system….. I found this incredible women who has literally changed my life. She has taken note of everything I’ve been through which such empathy and compassion and we started off with the tiniest goals. Catriona has a wonderful, calm and holistic nature and has transformed my healing journey to one where I am now able to eat a certain diet adapted to my needs, alongside taking supplements to aid my system.
She really has changed my life! " - AB.


“Life-Changing Advice. I'd been experiencing bouts of bloating and I'd started to gain weight. I decided to research nutritional practitioners and came across Catriona's website. From the moment I met her and we began the initial consultation I knew I was in safe hands. Catriona has such a holistic approach and a wonderfully empathetic, understanding ear. Within a couple of weeks I noticed an incredible difference to my sleep patterns and ability to relax. Then a month later the bloating disappeared along with the weight gain. My friends and family have also noticed positive changes in me. Thank you so much for educating me on the impact of my diet to my overall health and wellbeing. You've truly changed my life.” - KK.


When Doctors gave me a prognosis for ever worsening symptoms and the need for ever increasing medication I was scared and bewildered. Catriona was so understanding of my lifestyle and needs, she created a plan that was both do-able and enjoyable to follow. My test results now show a huge improvement and medication is no longer in the discussion! I cannot speak more highly of Catriona’s help, expertise and caring manner. I can highly recommend her! (KL)


“Catriona gave me ideas for meals and snacks that didn’t feel like a special diet, she added things in rather than making it feel restrictive, so it was easy to stick to.”



“Catriona was able to identify dietary imbalance and prescribe a course of action that has fundamentally changed my life for the better. I wouldn’t be as happy as I am today without the advice, learning and support of Catriona Spandley”

– J.C.


“After working with Catriona my energy levels have improved massively. I've started exercising again and feel so much better in myself”

– A.A.


“Catriona helped me to identify the trigger foods that were exacerbating my rheumatoid arthritis. I haven’t woken up in pain for months, something I will be forever grateful for.”

– C.G.


“Catriona supported me through a difficult journey, helping me to reverse my pre-diabetic diagnosis and manage my glucose levels through the right nutrition. She has also helped me to reduce my stress levels. She always went the extra mile, checking in with me throughout the process. I would highly recommend her as she made me feel safe and supported throughout.”

– S.M.